Our higly experienced surgeons are Doctors of Medical sciences, university professors, members of International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS), members of different international scientific association.
More then 21 years of successful practice in hair transplantation. Dr. Dea Papaskiri, MD, PhD is a head of training course of Hair auto-transplantation at the State Medical University of Georgia.
Thousands of patients underwent medical treatment in our clinic. We are more than happy to continue providing quality care in different fields of aesthetic medicine.
Procedure lasts for 2-5 hours and depends on amount of transplanting grafts. It is absolutely comfortable for patient. Survival rate of transplanted hair in our clinis is very high - 98%!
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The International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery | Tbilisi State Medical University | Georgian Society of Hair Restoration |
€3 000
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€3 750
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€4 000
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Your health is our top priority with comprehensive & affordable medical treatment.
Our highly qualified doctors & assistants are ready to provide
a variety of treatments and medical services in due time.
Your health is our top priority with comprehensive & affordable medical treatment.
Follicle Unit Extraction or as it’s called FUE method is quite popular and demanding among the patients.
This method is special because grafts are taken separately from the donor area (back of head) with a special, 0.6-0.9 mm diameter, miniature tool – punch.
Nowadays many people consider FUE as the newest technology, though is has 30 years of development history.
The only thing that distinguishes FUE from Strip method is donor hair acquiring technique. In that case no incisions or stitches are made on the back of head. That’s why FUE method is also called seamless and “non-surgical” method.
The rest stages of these two methods (FUE and Strip) are identical. Both methods use micro graft transplantation, which include 1-3 hairs and that’s why both result in completely natural aesthetic results.
Advantages of FUE Method:
FUT or Strip Method is the main, classic method of hair transplantation. In this case skin strip is cut from the back of head (donor area) and it is further divided into follicle units – grafts, which are transplanted into balding areas (recipient areas).
A graft is a transplant which includes from 1 to 3-4 follicles.
Hair transplantation with STRIP method consists of 4 stages:
1. Skin strip cutting from donor area:
This is the main stage which distinguishes STRIP method from FUE (stitchless) method. In this case hair is not shaved. The only area which is shaved is the narrow line on the back of head, which is cut. After that a cosmetic stitch is made on the wound, which is covered with hair and is not visible even right after the surgery.
The surgeon’s experience and skills are very important on this stage. It is essential that he correctly defined the skin strip sizes (length and width), which is to be cut, that is the necessary prerequisite for further formation of invisible scar, as well as performing the plastic incision correctly. We use the plastic method of donor area, which forms a thin, linear scar, which is fully covered with hair after several month from the surgery and it is not noticeable even in case of short haircut. This method of putting stitches is provided by Mario Marzola and it is called Trichophytic Closure.
The scar on the donor area (back of head) after 4 month from hair transplantation surgery with Strip method.
It can only be noticed in case of shaved hair or a very short haircut.
2. Graft preparation is performed under a stereoscopic microscope, with 10-20 times magnification, which significantly improves quality of graft processing and lessens the possibility of follicle damaging. All of these factors are directly reflected in the results of the procedure.
3. Forming micro holes in recipient area
This is a highly important stage as the transplant hair density and direction is formed during it. The depth of the micro holes must exactly correspond the length of the grafts, in order the follicles to be transplanted in the layer of the skin where they can function naturally.
We use microsurgical tools and injections to form micro holes in our clinic, which form a tiny linear incision, 0,8- 1,0 mm in length. This enables us to achieve the maximum density of transplanted hair, which leads to the best cosmetic results.
4. Implanting grafts in balding areas
Special tweezers are used to implant grafts by assistant surgeons.
In case of using implanters, the 3rd and 4th stages are performed simultaneously. Micro holes aren’t formed at that time as the implanter pen stings the skin and places graft into it at the same time.
How to plan hair transplantation?
Well-planned surgery is the necessary prerequisite of high quality transplanted hair. That’s why it is important to make an appointment with a doctor and be consulted. Hair transplantation necessity is identified, donor hair is assessed and exacted number of grafts are calculated during the consultation. In addition to this, forehead line design is negotiated and the most effective and safest method for you is chosen; surgery stages are also defined. A patient should get full information about the possible achievable results in their case. Hair transplantation can only be considered as successfully performed if the results meet the patient’s expectations.
If you cannot visit our clinic, you can have an online consultation.
Hair transplantation surgery doesn’t require special preparation. Prior the surgery patient has to take the following analysis:
Long hair transplantation is one of the interesting and progressive directions of hair auto transplantation, which doesn’t require shaving or cutting hair in donor area. Transplanted hair length is equal to the donor hair length in the moment of transplantation.
The first publications regarding long hair transplantation appeared in 2004 and their author was a Brazilian surgeon Marcelo Pitchon. According to his technique long hair transplantation was only possible through FUT (Strip) method.
During 2014-2015 the professor Aleksiy Makharashvili worked out innovative long hair transplantation technology with FUE method. However, while the engineers were working on inventing the corresponding equipment and tools, in September, 2016 a Brazilian doctor Otavio Boaventura was the first to report about the same method to the 24th ISHRS International Congress in Las-Vegas. It was clear that he and Aleksiy Makharashvili were considering this issue at the same time, that’s why a long hair transplantation with FUE method can be called Boaventura-Makharashvili method.
Advantages of the LHT Method:
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Happy patient after the hair transplantation in DEAMED clinic. This excellent result is a testament to the hard work and commitment of DEAMED clinic surgeons. |
DEAMED Clinic uses innovative, less traumatic and effective methods of hair transplantation which allow us to correct cosmetic defects of eyebrows, moustache and beard successfully in case of their partly of full absence.
In this case we also use back of head and temples zones as donor areas. Some of our colleagues prefer using donor hairs from limbs and other parts of body, which we don’t approve.
Donor follicles are retained through Strip or FUE methods. In both cases choosing the hair of corresponding structure is an important factor, especially during eyebrow restoration.
Post-operational period is similar as in other cases of hair transplantation. Hair starts growing after 2 month from being transplanted and it maintains all the features: color, structure, growing rate, etc. It doesn’t require any special treatment; it keeps growing during the whole life and doesn’t fall. It can be cut, dried, shaved, etc.
DEAMED - Trust the professionals!
Hair restoration Society of Georgia, which was founded in 2018, represents a non-profit legal entity. Its membership exceeds 1 100 people in 70 countries around the world.
On 10th- 14th of October, 2018 annual XXVI congress of ISHRS was held in Hollywood, USA. Professor Aleksiy Makharashvili represented “DeaMed” clinic to the congress, he is a member of ISHRS and actively contributes to the Society’s activities.
The 24th Congress was distinguished with its content and the points which were emphasized regarding hair transplantation. Professor Aleksiy Makharashvili and plastic surgeon, Doctor of Medicine Dea Papaskiri were actively involved in congress activities.
DEAMED team was represented at XXIII Annual Congress of International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS) held in Chicago. Prof. Alexiy Makharashvili with Bernard Nusbaum - the winner of the "Golden Follicle 2015" award.