DeaMed clinic offers training programs in Hair Transplantation and Trichology.

Трихология - Институт ДЕАМЕД - Международная программа обучения


Doctors at DeaMed clinic have been training other doctors and assistants in the specialty of Hair Transplantation for more than 14 years now. Program for Qualification Improvement Course Specializing in "Hair Transplantation" from!

The training program lasts for 21 calendar days and is fully focused on practical aspects. After training on mannequins, participants engage in all stages of surgery. Therefore, upon completing the course, our trainees acquire a practical knowledge level that enables them to independently perform hair transplantation surgery from start to finish.

Program of Qualification Improvement Course Specializing in “Hair Transplantation”

1 Lecture Course 14 A/H
2 Work in a consulting office 16 A/H
3 Work in a Simulation Class 26 A/H
4 Work in the Operating Room 88 A/H
Total 144 A/H

The Lectures:

  1. Hair anatomy and physiology. Hair loss types (diffuse, alopecia areata, androgenic, cicatricial), etiopathogenesis and clinical course.
  2. What is hair transplantation? Hair transplantation development history, Indications and contraindications.
  3. Different methods of hair transplantation (Strip, FUE), Advantages and disadvantages.
  4. Nonstandard ways of hair transplantation and their features (long hair transplantation; body hair transplantation; hair transplantation in scars after traumas or burns; brows, moustache and beard restoration).
  5. Anesthesia before hair transplantation surgery. Critical conditions, prevention and treatment.
  6. Hair transplantation complications, prevention and treatment.
  7. How to equip a specialized hair transplantation clinic?

Practical Courses:

  1. Work in a consulting office: First contact with patients involves taking anamnesis, examining patients, identifying the level of hair loss and the number of transplanted grafts, assessing the donor area condition, choosing the design, and planning the surgery (methods, stages). Additionally, managing medical correspondence.
  2. Collecting donor material using STRIP method. Different types of donor area incision closure, Trichophytic Suture.
  3. Collecting donor material using FUE method with different techniques (machinery and manual techniques)
  4. FUE and STRIP methods combination
  5. Graft dissection using stereoscopic microscopes.
  6. Recipient area preparation, creating design, forming pinholes.
  7. Transplanting grafts in the recipient area using different techniques, including the use of implanters and forceps.
  8. Nonstandard hair transplantation:
    - Long hair transplantation;
    - Body hair transplantation;
    - Hair transplantation in scars after traumas or burns;
    - Brows, moustache and beard restoration).
  9. Postoperative patient management..

After completing the course, you will be awarded a state diploma from Tbilisi State Medical University, verifying your enhanced qualification in "hair transplantation."

We will teach you not only how to transplant 5000 grafts within a procedure but also stand ready to assist you in establishing a new hair transplantation clinic. We will provide guidance at every stage, from selecting a venue to attending to the first patient.

For more information, please fill the application form below:

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